I haven't done color astrophotography work in a few years as I've been hunting asteroids every second I'm out with the scope. I have learned quite a bit about image processing over the last few years and thought it would be fun to do a quick run on M31 (Andromeda Galaxy) under a bright moon to see if I could really bring out some of the dust lanes in the galaxy. After building a monochrome luminance image, I was really happy with it so I took some color data I had shot in 2013 with my DSLR and combined the two to create an LRGB image of the Andromeda core. Pretty happy with how the inner dust lanes popped out. Enjoy!
Image info:
Shot 10/20/18
40 x 30 sec, 5 dark, QHY163M L Bin2
Sky Watcher F4CC
12" F4 OTA
HDX110 mount (EQMOD)
Processing in Astropy, IRIS, PS
Shot the night of 10/27/13 from Southern Utah
Scope: 8" F3.9 OTA
Camera: Canon 6D unmodified
Corrector: Baader MPCC Mark III at 48mm
Mount: Orion Atlas EQ-G (Eqmod)
Lights: 18 at 300 seconds
Flats: 12
Bias: 12
Dithering and Acquisition with BackYardEos
Stacking in Deep Sky Stacker
Post Processing Photoshop